Characteristics of phobias

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  • Behavioural characteristics

    • Panic - crying, screaming, running away
    • Avoidance - preventing coming into contact with the phobic stimulus
    • Endurance - choosing to remain in the presence of the phobic stimulus
  • Emotional characteristics

    • Anxiety - phobias are classed as anxiety disorders, an unpleasant state of high arousal
    • Fear - the immediate and extremely unpleasant response we experience when we encounter a phobic stimulus
    • Unreasonable emotional response - the anxiety or fear is disproportionate to any threat posed
  • Cognitive characteristics

    • Selective attention to phobic stimulus - keeping attention on the stimulus and struggling to concentrate on what they are doing
    • Irrational beliefs - unfounded thoughts in relation to phobic stimuli
    • Cognitive distortions - perceptions of a person with a phobia may be inaccurate and unrealistic