Humanistic Theory

    Cards (10)

    • What is a key assumption of humanistic psychology regarding human behavior?
      All humans can determine their own behavior and have free will.
    • What is the innate need that all humans have according to humanistic psychology?
      All humans have an innate need for self-actualization to reach their potential.
    • What does humanistic psychology emphasize about a person's subjective experience?
      A person's subjective experience and understanding of the world is of greater importance than objective reality.
    • When did humanistic psychology develop?
      Humanistic psychology developed in the 1950s.
    • How does humanistic psychology differ from behaviorist and psychodynamic approaches?
      Humanistic psychology provides a positive theory that promotes healthy growth, contrasting with the negative views of behaviorist and psychodynamic approaches.
    • What does humanism focus on regarding the mind and experiences?
      Humanism focuses on the conscious mind, present experiences, and future possibilities, rather than the past.
    • What are the core features of humanistic psychology?
      • Emphasis on free will
      • Focus on conscious mind
      • Importance of subjective experience
      • Promotion of personal growth
    • What is the first feature of humanistic psychology regarding free will?
      Humanism argues that free will is possible and that humans are self-determining.
    • How does humanistic psychology view the influence of internal or external factors on behavior?
      Humanistic psychology believes that individuals can reject internal or external influences such as genes or unconscious motives.
    • What is the concern of humanistic psychology regarding individual experiences?
      Humanistic psychology is concerned with the unique subjective experience of individuals rather than general laws of human behavior.
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