8.6 - Pyramids of biomass

Cards (9)

  • Biomass
    The mass of living organisms in a given area
  • What does each bar in a pyramid of biomass represent?
    The biomass of all organisms in that trophic level
  • What happens as you go up the bars?
    The bars get smaller.
  • Why do the bars get smaller as they go up?
    Because the total mass of the organisms is decreasing
  • How much energy and biomass is transferred up to the next trophic level?
  • What does the biomass of an organism refer to?
    The mass of an organism
  • Where are apex predators on a pyramid of biomass?
    At the top of the pyramid
  • Give three reasons why only ~10% of the energy & biomass is passed on at each stage in a food chain?
    - Organisms don't normally eat every part of their food (e.g. rabbits may not eat the roots of the grass they eat)
    - Some of the material they eat may not be absorbed (e.g. rabbits may not be able to digest all the cellulose in grass)
    - Most of the biomass/energy that is absorbed is used to release energy (via respiration) for movement etc.
  • What is the formula for efficiency of biomass transfer?
    Biomass in current trophic level / biomass available in previous level X 100