8.7 - Carbon and Water cycles

Cards (11)

  • Transpiration
    Evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant
  • Give 5 examples of places where water could evaporate from.
    - ocean
    - soil
    - leaves of plants (transpiration)
    - rivers
    - puddles
  • What happens to the water vapour when it has evaporated?
    It condenses to form clouds which can be blown from one region to another.
  • What happens after the water from the clouds has fallen back down to earth in the form of precipitation?
    It could seep into the soil, be taken up by plants or flow back to a body of water.
  • Where does the energy for evaporation come from?
    The sun
  • Name the 5 main stores of carbon in the carbon cycle.
    - the air - as CO2
    - In plants - where it is locked in biological molecules
    - in the soil - containing bacteria and other micro organisms
    - Fossil Fuels - underground
    - In animals - where it is locked in biological molecules
  • Which process in the carbon cycle removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
  • Which three processes in the carbon cycle release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?
    - Respiration
    - decomposition
    - Combustion
  • Which carbon-containing compound do plants produce during photosynthesis?
  • Why is it important that there is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    Carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis in plants
  • Which organisms decompose dead organic matter?
    bacteria and fungi