
    Cards (34)

    • What is the first person singular conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?
      je fais
    • What is the second person singular conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?
      tu fais
    • What is the third person singular conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?

      il/elle/on fait
    • What is the first person plural conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?
      nous faisons
    • What is the second person plural conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?
      vous faites
    • What is the third person plural conjugation of the verb "faire" in the present tense?
      ils/elles font
    • What does the verb "faire" mean in English?
      to do/make
    • What is the first person singular conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      je vais
    • What is the second person singular conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      tu vas
    • What is the third person singular conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      il/elle va
    • What is the first person plural conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      nous allons
    • What is the second person plural conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      vous allez
    • What is the third person plural conjugation of the verb "aller" in the present tense?
      ils/elles vont
    • What does the verb "aller" mean in English?
      to go
    • How do regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs form the present tense?
      • Regular -er verbs: Remove -er and add endings (e.g., parler → parl-)
      • Regular -ir verbs: Remove -ir and add endings (e.g., finir → fin-)
      • Regular -re verbs: Remove -re and add endings (e.g., attendre → attend-)
    • What is the first person singular conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      je parle
    • What is the second person singular conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      tu parles
    • What is the third person singular conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      il/elle/on parle
    • What is the first person plural conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      nous parlons
    • What is the second person plural conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      vous parlez
    • What is the third person plural conjugation of the verb "parler" in the present tense?
      ils/elles parlent
    • What is the first person singular conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      je finis
    • What is the second person singular conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      tu finis
    • What is the third person singular conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      il/elle/on finit
    • What is the first person plural conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      nous finissons
    • What is the second person plural conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      vous finissez
    • What is the third person plural conjugation of the verb "finir" in the present tense?
      ils/elles finissent
    • What is the first person singular conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
    • What is the second person singular conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
      tu attends
    • What is the third person singular conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
      il/elle/on attend
    • What is the first person plural conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
      nous attendons
    • What is the second person plural conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
      vous attendez
    • What is the third person plural conjugation of the verb "attendre" in the present tense?
      ils/elles attendent
    • What do the underlined forms of the verbs "parler," "finir," and "attendre" have in common?
      • They sound the same for each verb.