social influence

Subdecks (1)

Cards (46)

  • 3 types of conformity
    internalisation, identification, compliance
  • conformity
    a change in a person's behaviour/ opinion as a result of real/imagined pressure from a group of people
  • who stated that there are 3 ways of conformity
    herbert kelman 1958
  • What is continuous reinforcement?

    Reinforcing every correct response.
  • What is extinction in the context of behavior?
    The gradual disappearance of a learned behavior when reinforcement is withheld.
  • What is shaping in behavioral psychology?
    Reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior.
  • What are the key concepts of reinforcement and punishment?
    • Reinforcement: Increases behavior likelihood
    • Positive: Adding desirable stimulus
    • Negative: Removing undesirable stimulus
    • Punishment: Decreases behavior likelihood
    • Positive: Adding undesirable stimulus
    • Negative: Removing desirable stimulus
  • What are the types of reinforcement schedules?
    • Continuous: Reinforcing every correct response
    • Intermittent: Reinforcing only some correct responses
  • What are the processes of extinction and shaping in behavior modification?
    • Extinction: Gradual disappearance of learned behavior when reinforcement is withheld
    • Shaping: Reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior
  • What are the two main explanations for conformity according to Deutsch and Gerard (1955)?
    Informational social influence and normative social influence
  • What is informational social influence (ISI)?

    • Conforming to the behavior or opinion of the majority
    • Viewing others as a source of correct information
    • Occurs in ambiguous situations
    • Leads to personal decisions based on majority behavior
  • When is informational social influence likely to occur?

    When the situation is ambiguous and a person is unsure of the correct response
  • How does informational social influence differ from emotional responses?
    ISI is due to cognitive reasons rather than emotional reasons
  • What type of conformity does informational social influence lead to?

  • What does internalisation mean in the context of conformity?
    A person genuinely believes that the views of others are right, leading to a change in behavior
  • What is normative social influence (NSI)?

    Changing behavior to conform to the majority to be liked and accepted
  • What motivates individuals to conform under normative social influence?
    To be liked and accepted by the group and avoid disapproval
  • What is another term for compliance in the context of normative social influence?
    Public conformity
  • What happens to an individual's private beliefs when they conform due to normative social influence?
    They may not agree with the majority in private
  • What was the main task participants had to perform in the study?
    Participants had to identify lines of the same length.
  • How many confederates were involved in the study?
    There were 6–8 confederates involved.
  • In how many critical trials did participants mistakenly agree with the confederate majority?
    Participants mistakenly agreed in 12 out of 16 critical trials.
  • What percentage of the time did participants conform to the confederate majority?
    Participants conformed 37% of the time.
  • What was the main reason for conformity among participants?
    The main reason was normative social influence.
  • What percentage of participants never conformed in the study?
    25% of participants never conformed.
  • How did group size affect conformity rates?
    Conformity increased to 32% with a majority of three but did not increase further.