The Atmosphere

Subdecks (2)

Cards (105)

  • What is the main gas in the atmosphere today?
  • What percentage of the atmosphere is oxygen?
  • What are the other gases present in the atmosphere besides nitrogen and oxygen?
    Carbon dioxide, water vapor, noble gases
  • How long have the gases in the atmosphere remained constant?
    Around 200 million years
  • What was the Earth's atmosphere mainly composed of during the first billion years?
    Mainly carbon dioxide
  • What caused the early atmosphere to change?
    Intense volcanic activity
  • What gas was released by volcanoes that contributed to the early atmosphere?
    Water vapor
  • What happened to water vapor as the Earth cooled?
    It condensed to form oceans
  • What gases did volcanoes release besides carbon dioxide?
    Nitrogen, methane, ammonia
  • How did the level of carbon dioxide change over time?
    It began to fall
  • What process removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
    Formation of carbonate rocks
  • What evolved around 2.7 billion years ago that produced oxygen?
    Photosynthetic algae
  • What is the equation of photosynthesis?
    6CO<sub>2</sub> + 6H<sub>2</sub>O → C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>12</sub>O<sub>6</sub> + 6O<sub>2</sub>
  • What happens to carbon during photosynthesis?
    It can be trapped in fossil fuels
  • What are the key changes in the atmosphere from early times to now?
    • Early atmosphere: high carbon dioxide, low oxygen
    • Current atmosphere: low carbon dioxide, 21% oxygen
    • Formation of oceans and carbonate rocks
    • Evolution of photosynthetic organisms increased oxygen
  • What is the significance of the evolution of plants in the atmosphere's history?
    Increased the amount of oxygen
  • Where can students find questions on the atmosphere?
    In the vision workbook
  • How did the formation of limestone affect atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?
    It removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • What role did oceans play in the early atmosphere's evolution?
    They dissolved carbon dioxide and formed sediments