A strategic planning model that can be used to help a business decide its strategic direction in terms of its product portfolio and target markets
Ansoff's matrix consists of 4 cells that provide a company with a range of options or strategic choices, each with a different element of risk attached
Existing product, Existing market
market penetration strategy
Existing product, New market
Market development strategy
New product, Existing market
product development strategy
New product, New market
diversification strategy
Market Penetration
developing strategies to boost sales of existing products in existing markets
aiming to boost market share
might involve increasing promotional activity or changing its pricing strategy in order to sell more
relatively little risk
mature market w little potential for growth - would focus on this
Market Development
involves offering existing products but targeting new market segments within them
could be a new market e.g. geographical or economic customer groups
this strategy increases the level of risk involved, as entering new market segment can be dangerous as existing businesses might try to protect their sales
Product Development
involves developing new products for existing customers
maybe responding to changes in customer requirements or anticipating future change
involves risk, as developing new products can be costly
first apple watch
might want to use this strategy where sales of existing products are declining
involves developing new products for new customers
high levels of risk and uncertainty
tony and guy hairdressers making pasta sauce
can help spread risk if business has a wide product portfolio in different markets as they are less vulnerable to changes in one of their markets