Stem Cells

Cards (12)

  • Undifferentiated cells are stem cells.
  • Embryonic Stems stells can turn into ANY type of cell.
  • Adult stem cells are found in the bone marrow, whereas embryonic cells are found in the embyro.
  • Adult stem cells can only turn into certain cells.
  • adult stem cells cure diseases for example, replacing faulty blood cells.
  • THERAPUTIC CLONING = embryo is used because it has the same genetic info as patient. So, it wont be rejected by the body.
  • Disadvantages of Theraputic Cloning

    • Stem cells in lab can become contaminated with a virus which can be passed down to patient.
  • Against Stem Cells

    • Some people believe the embryos couldve been potential human life
    • Some are discarded.
  • In Plants, stems cells are found in Meristems
  • Name a medical condition that stem cells could treat?

    • Diabetes by producing insulin-producing cells
  • Benefits of clonning plants

    • They are gentically identical
    • Prevent extinction of plants
    • It is cheap and quick

    • Nucleus removed from egg cell
    • Nucleus removed from body cell
    • Body cell nucleus fuse with empty egg cell
    • Produce Embryo
    • Form Stem cells