Impact on natural system and human system by ground shaking

Cards (19)

  • What are the two main systems affected by tectonic hazards?
    Natural and human systems
  • What are some hazards associated with earthquakes?
    Ground shaking, soil liquefaction, landslides, and tsunamis
  • How does ground shaking impact natural systems?
    It destroys ecosystems
  • What are the impacts of ground shaking on human systems?
    It destroys properties and infrastructure, disrupts services, and causes injuries and fatalities
  • What are the specific impacts of ground shaking on infrastructure?
    It weakens buildings, bridges, roads, and railways, causing them to collapse
  • What happens to water and gas pipes during ground shaking?
    They snap, resulting in water shortages and disruptions to gas supply
  • How does ground shaking affect communication services?
    It breaks electricity and communication cables, affecting important communication services such as tsunami warnings and television broadcasts
  • What are the hazards associated with earthquakes?
    Ground shaking, soil liquefaction, landslides, and tsunamis
  • How does ground shaking affect ecosystems?
    It ruptures oil and chemical factories, polluting land and water, and fractures trees, damaging wildlife habitats
  • How does ground shaking affect wildlife habitats?
    It causes widespread tree injury and death and damaging wildlife habitats
  • What are the impacts of volcanic eruptions on natural and human systems?
    • Tephra and gases released
    • Lava flows and pyroclastic flows
    • Lahars and landslides
    • Disruption of services
    • Damage to ecosystems and infrastructure
  • What are the effects of tectonic hazards on human health?
    • Causes injuries and fatalities
    • Weakens public health systems
    • Disrupts access to medical services
  • What are the benefits of living near volcanoes?
    • Fertile soil for farming
    • Access to minerals and building materials
    • Geothermal energy for activities
  • What infrastructure was affected by ground shaking during earthquakes?
    Buildings, bridges, roads, and railways
  • How does ground shaking disrupt services in human systems?
    It snaps water and gas pipes, and breaks electricity and communication cables
  • What are the consequences of snapped water and gas pipes during an earthquake?
    Water shortages and disruptions to gas supply
  • How can ground shaking lead to injuries and fatalities?
    People may get trapped under collapsed buildings and infrastructure
  • What are the main impacts of ground shaking on natural and human systems?
    • Destroys ecosystems: pollution and tree damage
    • Destroys properties and infrastructure: building collapses
    • Disrupts services: water, gas, electricity, and communication
    • Causes injuries and fatalities: people trapped under debris
  • How do the impacts of earthquakes differ between less developed and more developed countries?
    • Less developed countries: often have weaker infrastructure, leading to higher casualties and damage
    • More developed countries: typically have better preparedness and response systems, reducing impacts