Background radiation is defined as the radiation that exists around us all the time
There are two types of background radiation:
Natural sources from radioactive elements that have always existed on Earth and in outer space
Man-made sources from human activity that adds to the amount of radiation humans are exposed to on Earth
The count rate of detected levels of background radiation can vary significantly from place to place
The sources that make a significant contribution to background radiation include:
radon gas (in the air)
rocks and buildings
food and drink
cosmic rays
Sources of background radiation
A) radon gas
B) rocks and building materials
C) medical
D) x-rays
E) food
F) cosmic rays
G) other
Rocks and buildings
Natural radioactivity can be found in building materials, including decorative rocks, stone and brick
Heavy radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, occur naturally in rocks in the ground
Uranium decays into radon gas
Radon gas (in the air)
Radon gas is an alpha emitter
Radon gas is particularly dangerous if it is inhaled into the lungs in large quantities
The gas is tasteless, colourless and odourless, but it is not generally a health issue unless levels are significantly high
Radioactive material in food and drink
Naturally occurring radioactive elements can get into food and water since they are in contact with rocks and soil containing these elements
Some foods contain higher amounts such as potassium-40 in bananas
However, the amount of radioactive material is minuscule and is not a cause for concern
Cosmic rays from space
The sun emits an enormous number of protons every second
Some of these enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds
When they collide with molecules in the air, this leads to the production of gamma radiation
Other sources of cosmic rays are supernovae and other high-energy cosmic events
Carbon-14 in biological material
All organic matter contains a tiny amount of carbon-14
Living plants and animals constantly replace the supply of carbon in their systems hence the amount of carbon-14 in the system stays almost constant
Medical sources
In medicine, radiation is used frequently
Uses include X-rays, CT scans, radioactive tracers, and radiation therapy
Nuclear waste
While nuclear waste itself does not contribute much to background radiation, it can be dangerous for the people handling it
Nuclear fallout from nuclear weapons
Fallout is the residue radioactive material that is thrown into the air after a nuclear explosion, such as the bomb that exploded at Hiroshima
While the amount of fallout in the environment is presently very low, it increases significantly in areas where nuclear weapons are tested
Nuclear accidents
Accidents such as that in Chernobyl contributed a large dose of radiation into the environment
While these accidents are now extremely rare, they can be catastrophic and render areas devastated for centuries
The sources that make the most significant contribution are the natural sources:
Radon gas
Rocks and buildings
Food and drink
Cosmic rays
Ionising nuclear radiation can be measured using a detector connected to a counter
The detector uses count ratemeasured in counts/s or counts/minute
The count rate is the number of decays per second
The count rate decreases the further the detector is from the source
This is because the radiation becomes more spread out the further away it is from the source
The Geiger-Müller tube is the most common device used to measure and detect the count rate of radiation
Each time it absorbs radiation, it transmits an electrical pulse to a counting machine
This makes a clicking sound and it displays the count rate on a screen
The greater the frequency of clicks, or the higher the count rate, the more radiation the Geiger-Müller tube is absorbing
Therefore, it matters how close the tube is to the radiation source
The further away from the source, the lower the count rate detected
Geiger–Müller tube detects count rate
Examples of other radiation detectors include:
Photographic film (often used in badges)
Ionisation chambers
Scintillation counters
Spark counters
If asked to name a device for detecting radiation, the Geiger-Müller tube is a good example to give
You can also refer to it as a GM tube, a GM detector, GM counter, Geiger counter etc. (The examiners will allow some level of misspelling, providing it is readable)
Don’t, however, refer to it as a ‘radiation detector’ as this is too vague and may simply restate what was asked for in the question
It is important to regulate the exposure of humans to radiation. The amount of radiation received by a person is called the dose
Measurements of background radiation are used to determine a corrected count rate
This can be done by taking readings with no radioactive source present and then subtracting this from readings with the source present