A confident or forceful action within the rules of the game
Instinct theory of aggression
Genetically inherited- trait of violence lies within everyone
it can be a natural human instinct to be aggressive
aggression can be hard to control
some people are constantly or unpredictably aggressive
agression is a natural response
not all humans show aggression
too simplistic
aggression is usually provoked
example - a footballer retaliates from a high tackle by punching opposition
Social learning theory
Bandura believes that agression is learned from copying
takes into account the influence of others
some people are aggressive without aggressive role models
some people are not aggressive with aggressive role models
example- a young footballer watches the captain of the first team perform a high tackle and gain possession of the ball.
Frustration - aggression hypothesis
Frustration will always lead to aggression because any blocking of a goal that an individual is trying to reach increase that individual’s drive, which in turn increases aggression.
catharsis can be felt
fruition does not always lead to aggression
does not take inti account differing circumstances
Strategies to eliminateaggression
Control the arousal level of the participant via stress management techniques
avoid situations that initiate aggressive responses
remove the aggressive player completely from the situation
show non-aggressive role models and highlight successful sports players