Mother Ignacia's Commitment to the Life of the Church

Cards (12)

  • Mission - if there is the presence of the one who sends, the one who is sent and that there is a task to be accomplished
  • Natives or Yndias - did not seem to count much in the society
  • Mother Ignacia responded to her situation by upholding the Christian values of FIDELITY and COMMITMENT by her perseverance in the life she chosen
  • Testimony of Faith - "It would take time before the light shing from her little lamp would be seen but her lamp kept on shining"
  • Love and Hope - needed today especially when young people find themselves faced with an insecure future
  • Gifts of God: Strength, Resources
  • Strange - the ways of God
  • Lowliness and Humility - later were found as her greatest treasures
  • Stepping Stones - a stumbling blocks that were creatively use as a response towards personal growth
  • How many years did the Spaniards stayed in the Philippines?
    300 years
  • Pope John Paul II - stated the confirmation of Mother Ignacia's mission-mindedness
  • Missionary - to love without frontiers, to communicate and extend the kingdom and open new ways to the Gospel