Agentic State and Legitimace Of Authority AO3

Cards (19)

  • What is a weakness of the agentic state according to the study material?
    People may not necessarily shift back and forth between the autonomous state and agentic state as Milgram proposed.
  • What did Lifton (1986) find regarding medical professionals during the Holocaust?
    They shifted from caring for patients to conducting vile experiments on prisoners, transferring responsibility to their superiors.
  • Why is Lifton's finding significant in relation to Milgram's proposal?
    It suggests a gradual and irreversible transition rather than a shift back and forth between states.
  • What conclusion can be drawn about Milgram's idea of the agentic state based on the evidence presented?
    Milgram’s idea may not reflect real life, thus lacking validity.
  • What is a weakness of the agentic state theory?
    People may not be adopting an agentic state but instead be expressing their sadistic tendencies.
  • What did the Stanford Prison Experiment reveal about the behavior of guards?
    Guards inflicted rapidly escalating cruelty on increasingly submissive prisoners.
  • Why is the finding from the Stanford Prison Experiment significant for the agentic state theory?
    It suggests that the agentic state theory may not be applicable in all cases, as people may simply want to be cruel and sadistic.
  • What conclusion can be drawn about the agentic state theory based on the Stanford Prison Experiment?
    The agentic state may not be able to explain all types of obedience.
  • What is the strength of the research discussed in the study material?
    Research support for the legitimacy of authority
  • What was the main finding of Bushman's (1988) study regarding obedience rates based on the researcher's attire?
    Obedience rates were highest when the researcher wore a police-style uniform
  • What percentage of people obeyed when the female researcher wore a police-style uniform?
  • What percentage of people obeyed when the female researcher was dressed as a business executive?
  • What percentage of people obeyed when the female researcher was dressed as a beggar?
  • What does the research evidence suggest about people’s obedience in relation to authority figures?
    People are more likely to be obedient when someone is wearing a police-style uniform
  • What conclusion can be drawn from Bushman's (1988) study regarding authority and obedience?
    • There is research support for the legitimacy of authority.
    • People are more likely to obey when the authority figure fits their expectations, such as wearing a police-style uniform.
  • What was the focus of Tarnow's (2000) study on aircraft accidents?
    He reviewed serious aircraft accidents in the US where flight crew actions contributed to the crash.
  • What did Tarnow (2000) find regarding the captain's authority in aircraft accidents?
    Excessive dependence on the captain's authority and expertise resulted in tragic consequences.
  • Why is the finding about captain authority significant in real-life situations?
    It shows that people are obedient to those perceived to be in control, leading them to go against their best judgment.
  • What are the practical applications of Tarnow's (2000) findings on aircraft accidents?
    • Training programs for flight crews to encourage questioning authority
    • Implementation of protocols to ensure crew input in decision-making
    • Awareness campaigns about the dangers of excessive obedience in high-stakes situations