digestive system

Cards (55)

  • What do bile salts such as sodium hydrogen carbonate do?
    They emulsify fats and help neutralize acid from the stomach.
  • What is an omnivore?
    An animal that eats both meat and plants.
  • What does the term heterotrophic mean?
    An organism that cannot make its own food.
  • What is meant by a balanced diet?
    Eating the correct amounts of each food type.
  • What are two glands in the alimentary canal and their products?
    • Liver: secretes bile
    • Salivary glands: secrete amylase
    • Pancreas: secretes pancreatic juice
  • Name two parts of the small intestine.
    Duodenum and ileum.
  • Name two parts of the large intestine.
    Colon and caecum.
  • What is symbiosis?
    Where two organisms of different species live close to one another where at least one benefits.
  • Give an example of symbiosis in the human digestive system.
    Bacteria in the large intestine that produce vitamins.
  • What are two advantages of symbiosis to humans?
    Produce vitamins and provide competition against pathogenic bacteria.
  • What is lipase and where is it secreted?
    It is an enzyme that acts on lipids, secreted by the pancreas.
  • What is the pH of the site of action for lipase?
    It acts in the duodenum, where the pH is neutral.
  • What is the human dental formula for an adult?
    2 I 2 C 1 PM 2 M 3 = 32 teeth.
  • What is the difference between the teeth of carnivores and herbivores?
    Carnivores have more or longer canines, while herbivores have less canines and more molars for crushing plants.
  • What are two functions of the large intestine?
    To make vitamins B & K and to reabsorb water.
  • What process results from the contraction of muscle tissue in the intestine?
  • What type of muscle makes up the digestive system organs?
    Smooth muscle.
  • Where in the human alimentary canal is most water reabsorbed?
    In the colon/large intestine.
  • What is digestion?
    The breakdown of food into smaller soluble particles.
  • Why is digestion necessary?
    To make the food particles soluble for transport in blood.
  • Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion.
    Mechanical is the physical breakdown of food, while chemical is the breakdown using enzymes.
  • State three functions of the liver.
    To store glycogen, produce bile, and detoxify the body.
  • What is one digestive function of the pancreas?
    To produce enzymes (lipase and amylase) and secrete sodium hydrogen carbonate to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Where do both the pancreas and liver secrete their products?
    Into the duodenum.
  • Where is bile stored?
    In the gall bladder.
  • Describe the relationship between the liver, small intestine, and the hepatic portal vein.
    • The liver produces bile and processes nutrients.
    • The small intestine absorbs nutrients.
    • The hepatic portal vein carries nutrients from the small intestine to the liver.
  • Where is the liver located in relation to the stomach?
    Above the stomach in the upper abdomen.
  • Where is amylase produced in the human alimentary canal?
    In the salivary glands and pancreas.
  • What is the function of HCl in the stomach?
    To kill microorganisms and lower the pH to activate pepsinogen into pepsin.
  • What does pepsin do?
    It acts on proteins to form peptides.
  • What process is involved in the passage of the products of digestion into the blood?
  • How is the ileum adapted for the absorption of nutrients?
    It has a large surface area, is one cell thick, and has microvilli present.
  • What food is mostly absorbed by the lacteal?
  • Where do the fats absorbed by the lacteal travel to?
    To the lymphatic system.
  • What is peristalsis and where does it occur?
    It is the alternate contraction of muscles, occurring in the esophagus and small intestines.
  • Why is a low pH important in the stomach?
    To denature enzymes in microorganisms and activate pepsinogen.
  • What is nutrition?
    • The process by which an organism obtains and uses its food.
    • Involves digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • What are the two types of digestion?
    • Mechanical digestion: Physical breakdown of food.
    • Chemical digestion: Breakdown of food using enzymes.
  • What are the functions of the stomach?
    • Physical digestion: Churning of food.
    • Chemical digestion: Hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, and mucous.
  • What is gastric juice?
    It is the mixture of hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, and mucous with dissolved food.