inferential statistics

    Cards (12)

    • inferential statistics
      allows you to infer if your hypothesis was correct (is the data significant?), and assess whether the data can be generalised to the target population
    • distribution definition
      how spread out our data is when plotted on a frequency graph
    • negatively skewed distribution
      •the tail will be longer where majority of scores are smallest
      •measures of central tendency will increase in value
    • normal distribution 

      •curve is symmetrical
      •no clear tail
    • positively skewed distribution 

      •the tail will be longer where majority of the scores are larger
      •measures of central tendency will decrease in value
    • probability definition 

      a numerical value that represents the likelihood of some events happening
    • how is probability measured in
      on a scale from 0 to 1
      •0 means that it’ll never happen
      •1 means that it’ll definitely happen
    • significance definition 

      for a result to be significant the probability for the result to have been down to luck/chance needs to be low
    • what are the significance that can be used
      • P=0.05 (5%)
      • P=0.01 (1%)
    • general rule regarding significance to stats tests
      completed statistical test:
      1. stats test finds a difference equal to 0.05 or less→results have happened for a reason→reject null hypothesis
      2. stats test finds a difference at more than 0.05→results have happened by chance→accept null hypothesis
    • what are the two types of tests
      1. parametric
      2. non-parametric
    • examples of non-parametric tests
      • Mann Whitney U Test
      • Chi Square
      • Binomial Sign Tests
      • Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
      • Correlations Spearman’s Rho