Evolutionary explanation of partner preferences. Behaviours that are passed on and are given to offspring
Refers to the differences between male and female sex cells
Inter-sexual selection
To do with her
Females prefer quality over quantity due to their eggs being more rare
Females are more 'choosy' so look for men that are resourceful and will want a genetically fit partner so this passes on to their offspring
What is the 'sexy sons' hypothesis?
A female who mates with a male who has a certain characteristic will then have sons who inherit this 'sexy' trait
Intra-sexual selection
To do with males
Males prefer quantity over quality and compete with other males which explains more aggressive characteristics
This is because they can be fertile for way longer compared to females
Males therefore prefer females that are youthful and have smaller waist to hip ratios as this is a sign of fertility
AO3 Sexual Selection: Research Support for intra-sexual selection
Buss conducted a cross-cultural study over 37 cultures with over 10,000 people on mate preference
Males preferred younger physically attractive females while females sought physically strong and athletic males with an emphasis on resources
Both engage in behaviour that increases reproductive success supporting sexual selection theory showing different partner preferences
Questionnaires can be easily misunderstood across cultures and self-reports may be inaccurateinvalidating the findings
AO3 Sexual Selection: Research Support
Male and female students were sent out across a university campus and told to approach students individually offering to mate
Not a single female agreed to the males requests however 75% of males agreed to the females request to sleep with them
This supports the evolutionary explanation as it demonstrates how females are choosier than males when it comes to selecting sexual partners and that both are engaging in different strategies to ensure reproductive success
AO3 Sexual Selection: Research Support from Singh
Found men preferred low waist to hip ratios across cultures. This is typical of the hourglass figure and a sign of fertility
This supports sexual selection as this demonstrates to males she has the qualities required to rear children and this is attractive
AO3 Sexual Selection: Homosexuality
It cannot explain the partner preferences of homosexuals
This is because reproduction is not the primary aim
This means the sexual selection theory is limited as it does not consider homosexuals which also fuels the stigma of being homosexual
Additionally it does not explain couples that do not want children either