Lifestyle - Usually refers to the typical way of a life of a person, group, or culture.
Healthy Lifestyle - It means having everyday habits that improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Performing daily exercises, Balanced meals, and adequate sleep are examples of?
Healthy Lifestyle
Eating more plat-based foods, Drink alcohol in moderation, Exercising regularly, having healthy conversation are examples of?
Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle:
Control Weight
Fight Diseases
Increase Energy
Improves Mood
Improves Lifespan
Control Weight - Being active helps maintain an ideal weight or reduce excess weight.
Control Weight - Being active also helps boost your immune system
Fights Diseases - Being active helps prevent you from getting non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart diseases.
Fight Diseases - You have to know the right proportion and the kind of food to eat.
Increase Energy - Performing regular exercises helps you develop muscular strength and endurance.
Improves Mood - An active body means your brain is working as well.
Improves Mood - You have a positive outlook in life.
Improves Mood - You are able to prepare to stressful situations effectively.
Improves Lifespan - Eating nutritious food and having regular exercises help improve your well-being.
Improves Lifespan - A long and productive life.
Guidelines on Improving one's lifestyle & weight management:
Prepare a physical program
Know your energy expenditure
Computer and TV - You do this the least
Strength activities and Flexible activities - You do these 2 times a week
Cardio Activities and Recreational Activities - You do these 3-5 times a week
Everyday Activities - You need to do these the most.
Know your energy expenditure - Our body needs energy for doing many bodily activities such as breathing, digesting, and sleeping.
We get energy from the foods and liquids we consume everyday
Energy Expenditure - According to board-certified dietician Jennifer R. Scott, this is the amount of energy(calories) that a person need to carry out physical functions such as breathing, circulating blood, digesting foods, and physical movements.
According to board-certified dietician Jennifer R. Scott, Energy expenditure is the amount of energy(calories) that a person need to carry out physical functions such as breathing, circulating blood, digesting foods, and physical movements.
Total energy expenditure - This is the total energy the person uses the whole day
Risk Factors for Non-communicable diseases:
Heart Ailment
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Heart Ailment has two(2) parts:
Age(Heart Ailment) - Most heart attacks occur at age 65 and above
most heart attacks occur at age 65 and above
Hereditary(Heart Ailment) - Generally, a parent who has a heart attack ailment may pass on the disease to his or her children.
Type 1 Diabetes - Also called as "Juvenile Diabetes"
Type 1 Diabetes - Also called as "Juvenile Diabetes"
Type 1 Diabetes has two(2) factors:
Environmental Factors
Dietary Factors
Environmental Factors - Viral illness could be a factor in having this diabetes.
Dietary Factors - Lack of vitamin D or lack of cow’s milk consumptions.
Type 2 Diabetes have three(3) parts:
Weight - Being overweight or obese can develop this. (Weight increases = more fatty tissues)
Inactivity - the less inactive you are, the greater the risk to develop this. (inactive = unable to dissolve the glucose)