Family (Q1)

Cards (24)

  • Family - is a group of people who are unfined by marriage living under one roof
  • Basic concept of a family remains as legally defined in the philippine considering with provisions that support and protect the welfare of the families
  • Institution- an organization, with a chosen leader and recruited members
  • Schedule family time - Talk, play, pray, and watch television together and talk about the values learned from the program you watched.
  • Eat meals together- If possible, while at dinner, no one should watch television, read, or use their cell phones.
  • Do chores as a family - Help with the household chores such as cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, and other activities. The whole family can also assist with their neighbor's housework when needed.
  • Play together -Take time to rest from work and spend time with family.
    Invite the whole family to play badminton or any other game that can be played as a team.
  • Show acceptance and support for each other- A happy relationship is the feeling of acceptance and support for each other.
  • Plan to celebrate a special occasion for the family- Plan how to surprise a member on his/her birthday or your parents on their anniversary.
  • Combine kindness and volunteerism- Family members should be kind to one another and to others who are less fortunate.
  • Put competition aside - Too much competition between siblings often results in a huff. Remember that talents and abilities are unique and a gift from God.
  • Create a family mission statement together -This shows your family's core values or what you love most about each other.
  • Put God in the center of the family -Give priority to prayer and worship together. Attend church regularly.
  • what are the profiles if bullying
    • bully
    • victim
    • by stander
    • accomplice
  • Types of bullying
    • physical bullying
    • verbal bullying
    • cyber bullying
    • relational bullying
  • Place of bullying
    • on - campus
    • off - campus
    • on - cyberspace
  • 2 main reasons people are bullied
    • appearance
    • social status
  • Republic Act of 10627
    aims to protect children enrolled in schools and learning centers from being bullied
  • Bullying - it is a conscious, willful, deliberate, hostile, and repeated behav by one or more people, ehich is intended to harm others
  • physical bullying - includes kicking, punching, hitting, spitting, biting, and other physical harmful attacks. taking stealing, damaging, or defacing a person’s belongings or property sexual harrassment
  • Verbal bullying- teasing, name calling, making insults, racist, rude remarks, harassment, threats, and intimidation, whispering behind
  • Non verbal bullying - preassuring a person to do something against their will writing and passing around rude notes as well as text messages, shout outs at fb and tweets about a person.
  • Cyber bullying - uses technology to harass, threaten, embarass, or target another peson
  • Relational bullying - make someone feel ISOLATED alone and this will cause a child to feel depressed