Cards (16)

  • The word "Media" originated from the advertising industry.
  • The word "Media" originated from the advertising industry
  • Media Event - Is a publicity event staged for the news media which includes print, broadcast and other types of mass communications.
  • Mass Media comes in many forms:
    • Cable TV
    • Networks
    • Radio Stations
    • Theatre Productions
    • Advertising billboards
    • Neon Lights
    • Concerts
    • Newspapers
    • Magazines
    • Newsletters
    • Movies
  • Mass Media - Influences many aspects of the people's lives such as the way they entertain themselves.
  • After the mass media went digital, people started to use devices such as phones to connect to their relatives, friends, and colleagues.
  • Technology - Enabled them to get information they needed such as events, movie screenings, and activities that they do.
  • Newspaper Advetisement - Was used to be the method in informing the public about sports.
  • Fitness Gym - One popular trend in the field of physical fitness is 24-hour gyms.
  • One popular trend in the field of physical fitness is 24-hour gyms.
  • 24-Hour Gyms - also make use of technology in letting people know of their services and the various promotional campaigns that they have.
  • These 24-hour gyms also make use of technology in letting people know of their services and the various promotional campaigns that they have.
  • Fitness Apps - More and more people are using fitness apps to monitor their exercises and dietary or nutrition behavior.
  • Digital wristband is an example of high-tech gadgets that record vital data about user’s progress in his/her training.
  • Another trend is the emergence of innovative fitness devices.
  • Media and Technology play important roles in promoting and influencing people to engage in regular fitness regimen and sport activities.