'Where' a place is, for example, the co-ordinates on a map.
This is the place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it.
Meaning relates to individuals or collective perceptions of place
Means of communication including television, film, photography, art, newspapers, books, songs, etc. These reach or influence people widely.
Defined as a location with meaning. Places can be meaningful to individuals in ways that are personal or subjective. Places can also be meaningful at a social or cultural level and these meanings may be shared by different groups of people.
The deliberate shaping of an environment to facilitate social interaction and improve a community's quality of life.
Sense of place
This refers to the subjective and emotional attachment people have to a place. People develop a 'sense of place' through experience and knowledge of a particular area.
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions