Cards (26)

  • IE is born in what century?
    late 19th
  • Industrial Engineering is a dynamic (application of the discipline is wide) profession whose growth has been fueled by the challenges and demands of manufacturing, government, and service organizations throughout the twentieth century
  • IE is a profession that depends on ability of its practitioners to react to and facilitate operational and organizational change, and on their ability to anticipate, and therefore lead, the change process itself.
    • empirical roots of the profession date back to the Industrial Revolution, which began in England during the mid-eighteenth century.
    1. Flying Shuttle developed by John Kay in 1733 – is used in the textile industry for weaving. This innovation helped the weaving process faster.
  • 2. Spinning Jenny invented by James Hargreaves in 1765 – is also used in textile industry for weaving to speed up the process of spinning. It is a mechanized machine.
  • 3. Water frame developed by Richard Arkwright in 1769 – A mechanized machine that is powered by water power to speed up the weaving process.
  • 4. Steam engine developed by James Watt in 1765 – the most important innovation. 
    • The concepts presented by Adam Smith in his treatise The Wealth of Nations also lie at the foundation of what eventually became the theory and practice of industrial engineering.
    • His writings on concepts such as the division of labor and the “invisible hand” of capitalism served to motivate many of the technological innovators of the Industrial Revolution to establish and implement factory systems
    • The feasibility of the Interchangeability of Parts as a sound industrial practice was proven through the efforts of Eli Whitney and Simeon North in the manufacture of muskets and pistols for the U.S. government.
  • Frederick W.Taylor did not use the term industrial engineering in his work, his writings and talks are generally credited as being the beginning of the discipline. ( Shop Management and The Principles of Scientific Management )
  • Mechanical work was accelerated through the use of jigs (hand tools), fixtures, and other devices—many invented by Taylor himself
    • Improvement of work efficiency under the Taylor system was based on the analysis and improvement of work methods, reduction of the time required to carry out the work, and the development of work standards.
    • Taylor’s interest in what today we classify as the area of work measurement was also motivated by the information that studies of this nature could supply for planning activities.
    • Frank and Lillian Gilbreth extended the concepts of scientific management to the identification, analysis, and measurement of fundamental motions involved in performing work.
    • By applying the motion-picture camera to the task of analyzing motions they were able to categorize the elements of human motions into 18 basic elements or therbligs.
  • The all-day session on Friday, December 6, 1912, began with a presentation titled “The Present State of the Art of Industrial Management.” wherein other pioneers present at this meeting included Henry Towne and Henry Gantt. Towne,who was associated with the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company, used ASME as the professional society to which he presented his views on the need for a professional group with interest in manufacturing and management that led to the creation of the Management Division of ASME
  • Although Gantt was considered by Taylor to be a true disciple, his disagreements with Taylor on several points led to the development of a task work with bonus system instead of Taylor’s differential piece rate system and explicit procedures for enabling workers to either protest or revise standards
  • Hugo Diemer, who started the first continuing curriculum in industrial engineering at Pennsylvania State College in 1908
  • William Kent, who organized an industrial engineering curriculum at Syracuse University in the same year
  • Dexter Kimball, who presented an academic course in works administration at Cornell University in 1904
  • C. Bertrand Thompson, an instructor in industrial organization at Harvard, where the teaching of Taylor’s concepts had been implemented
  • Carl Barth, Taylor’s mathematician and developer of special purpose slide rules for metal cutting
  • John Aldrich of the New England Butt Company, who presented the first public statement and films about micro motion study
  • James Dodge, president of the Link-Belt Company
  • Henry Kendall, who spoke of experiments in organizing personnel functions as part of scientific management in industry.
  • Harrington Emerson. became a champion of efficiency independent of Taylor and summarized his approach in his book, the Twelve Principles
    of Efficiency. These principles, which somewhat paralleled Taylor’s teachings, were derived primarily through his work in the railroad industry.