Feminist Theories of Religion

Cards (28)

  • Feminists say traditional religions are male-centred
  • The Patriarchy is legitimised through the religious power-holders
  • Daly a Radical Feminist said that the Christian Faith has systematically eliminated other 'goddess' religions
  • Daly said that Christianity is rooted in male 'sado-rituals'
  • Daly said that religion reinforces and promotes 'symbolic violence'
  • Female Genital Mutilation is a 'sado-ritual'
  • FGM is often excused by it being a way to prepare for marriage, preserve someone's virginity and a way to keep it hygienic
  • Examples of Symbolic Violence for religious girls are; only men can be priests, there is a pressure to stay home and religion will restrict abortion access
  • Most religions will treat menstruation as a negative thing
  • Christianity teaches that during menstruation women can't get communion or are unclean
  • Islam teaches that women can't pray while menstruating
  • Judaism teaches that menstruation is time of impurity and a woman should keep distance from her husband
  • Hinduism teaches that women should be prohibited from day to day life when she begins menstruating and get purified to return to her normal activities
  • Holm and Bowker suggest all Abrahamic religions consider womens bodies and womens sexuality to be dangerous
  • Douglas says religion treats women as pollution and will try and contain and control them
  • However, women can now hold priesthood and bishop status
  • Holm and Bowker say the way to right the wrongs of religion is to create movements by women only for women
  • Armstrong says that the lack of women as priests points towards the marginalisation of women
  • Woodhead said women could use religion as a way to gain freedom and respect
  • Women have been able to become rabbis since 1972 and Quakerism has always been equal to women
  • The Hijab can be liberating for many Muslim women
  • Gilliat-Ray found that the hijab can be a way from girls to gain parental approvement
  • Holm said there is a devaluation of women in contemporary religion
  • Sacred texts often include anti-female stereotypes
  • Religious laws and customs can provide fewer rights for women than men
  • Woodhead argues the Christian Church not allowing women priesthood shows the churches unwillingness to support women's emancipation
  • In 2015, the Church of England appointed their first female bishop
  • It can be difficult for women to gain status in religions despite being so active in religion, this is called the 'stained glass ceiling'