what was the battle when german invaded belgium for the schliefen plan?
battle of leige
'splendid isolation' was when britain avoided all european affairs in the 19th century
when did britain become part of triple entente?
why did france want revenge before ww1 and want military protection by britain and france?
franco-prussion war in 1870 when germany took rich provinces of alsace and lorraine.
what weakened russia's influence in the balkans?
an embarrassing defeat by japan in 1905
'weltpolitik' was kaiser wilhelms belief that germany should have a 'place in the sun'- a large empire to fit its great power status, this required the building of a large navy
when was the triple alliance formed?
when was triple entente created?
when and what did britain launch as part of the naval race with germany?
HMS dreadnought
why and who won the naval race?
britain- they had 29 dreadnoughts whilst germany had 17
when was lusitania sunk?
why did lusitania sink in 1915?
torpedoed by german u-boats
how many passengers died on lusitania and how many were american?
why did germany attack lusitania?
they believed it contained war supplies
what did america give as a reaction to the sinking of lusitania by germany?
a warning
when was the battle of jutland at sea?
when was arch duke ferdinand assassinated?
june 1914
who killed archduke franz ferdiand?
gavrilo princip, a bosnian serb who was a member of the black hand
why did black hand group assassinate ferdinand?
due to their serbian nationalism
what was the period between the assassination of franz ferdinand and the start of ww1?
the julydays
during the july days, germany agreed to support austria-hungary in a potential conflict with serbia, known as a 'blank cheque'
what was serbias reply to austria-hungarys ultimatum during july days?
they agreed to all demands except one
who supported serbia, mostly due to slav nationalism?
what made britain enter ww1?
britain gave germany an ultimatum to leave the war, but they ignored
one of the reasons britain joined the war was because of the 1839 treaty of london, when britain promised to defend belgium
why was britain worried about germany winning the war?
because it would dominateeurope, becoming unbeatable and threatening britishempire
what weapons were used in ww1?
machine guns
poison gas
what was the germans and frech/BEF tactic which created the 'race to the sea' during the marne in 1914?
when was the gallipoli campaign?
february1915 to january1916
when was the ludendorff offensive?
when was 100 day offensive?
who planned the 100 day offensive?
general foch
who was the 'butcher of the somme'?
general haig
why did the us enter the war?
Zimmermantelegram from german foreign secretary to german ambassador in mexico
germany restarted u-boatcampaign despite warnings
when did USA join?
when did russia surrender?
the brest-litovsk peace treaty gave germany vast areas of farmland and raw materials which helped in dealing with shortages caused by gb blockade