Is heaven the perfection of the whole of creation

Cards (10)

  • How does revelation 21:1-4 describe the afterlife?
    As a new heaven and new earth. Heaven is not a disembodied existence but a perfected state of the entire cosmos.
  • What does it mean to say that Jesus is the 'firstfruits'?
    Eventual transformation and perfection of all things in heaven. The restoration of the fallen creation.
  • How is genesis 1:31, and the believe in the creation story support for the idea that heaven will be the perfection of this universe?
    Creation itself has been damaged but it is not beyond good. The conviction that God's original design will be fully realized, and the goodness of the created order will be saved.
  • What event affirmed the value of physical existence, for Christians?
    Through the incarnation, Christians believe that God not only entered human history but also affirmed the value of physical existence.
  • Why is having a 'dualistic theology' a reason to think that the afterlife is not this physical universe perfected?
    Having a dualistic theology is a reason not to think heaven will not be the perfection of this creation because the world is inherently flawed. Heaven is completely different non-material realm that contrasts with the imperfect physical creation.
  • Christians believe that heaven is not just a physical environment but also a state of eternal community with God.
  • Why might belief in heaven and hell influence a Christian not to believe that heaven is the perfection of this creation?
    Belief in heaven and hell may make Christians not believe heaven is perfection of this creation because they emphasize spiritual redemption of individuals. Purpose of salvation is to rescue human souls from consequences of sin and bringing them into a perfected spiritual state in the presence of God. Emphasize individual's spiritual journey.
  • Apocalyptic destruction and recreation. Revelation - suggests a complete destruction of current world followed by creation of a entirely new world.
  • Heaven and earth remain eternally distinct- no intention of transforming physical realm.
  • How does a focus on personal salvation clash with the view that there will be a cosmic salvation?

    Heaven is a spiritual place; individual personal relationship with God and eternal life in heaven rather than broader transformation of the entire creation