
Cards (12)

  • Types of research- qualitative= non numerical uses words to give a full rich description. Quantitative= collects numerical value through measurements so that statistical analysis can identify patterns in data.
  • Types of observation- naturalistic= can take place in natural situations observing their own environment(high ecological validity as natural behaviour is good, no control of the EVs). Controlled= where some variables are controlled and manipulated by the experimenter(high control of environment means replication of observation is easy, demand characteristics)
  • Overt(open) observation- when participants know they are being studied.
  • Covert(closes)- when participants are unaware they are being studied
  • Participant observation- when the experimenter acts as a part of the group being studied(participant). high validity, hard to make notes, hard to remain objective, potential to go native.
  • Non participant observation- the experimenter does not become a part of the group being observed. Easier to make notes, easier to remain objective, less chance of going native, low validity.
  • Unstructured observation- researcher records everything that happens.
  • Structured observation- clear, measurable and not open to interpretation
  • Time sampling- observations made at regular time intervals and coded.
  • Event sampling- keep a tally chart each time a type of behaviour occurs
  • Intra observer reliability- single observe
  • Intra observer reliability- a team of observers