Culture bound syndrome

Cards (4)

  • Koro
    • Illness in southeast Asia and China
    • Sufferer spontaneously believes genitalia is shrinking away (often men, sometimes women)
    • Has history going back >1000 years
    • Can cause acute stress, damage from Quack medication, serious damage to genitalia in attempt to save them
  • Hwa byung (rage virus) :
    • South Korea, estimated to affect 10,000 per year
    • Caused by bottling up feelings of unfairness or being wronged, until you succumb to physical symptoms like burning sensation
    • Common during divorces or dealing with in laws
    • 2009 brain scans show lower activity in area to do with emotion/impulse control
    • Linked to distress, social isolation, demoralisation, depression, physical pain, low self esteem, unhappiness
  • Neurasthenia (shenjing shuairuo):
    • China and Southeast Asia (though disappearing slowly)
    • Historically found in white colonisers within Asia
    • Believed to be first caused by lifestyle upheaval during industrial rev, an exhaustion of the nervous system
    • Headaches, fatigue, anxiety
    • Some parts of Asia, more likely to say they have this than depression (2018, Guangzhou, 15.4% said they had former while only 5.3% said they had latter)
    • Historically seen as fashionable illness, and indicator of intellectual creativity
  • Kyol goeu (wind overload) :
    • Prevalent in Khmer refugees (from Cambodia) in USA - in US psych hospital 36/100 Khmer patients experienced at least one episode
    • Believe channels in body contain wind like substance, when blocked a limb may be lost of death occurs
    • Starts with malaise feelings, than dizziness causing one to fall, after falling cannot speak or move - family members must massage limbs or bite ankles of Sufferer until they recover