Cards (8)

  • Albert Bandura's learning theory suggests that people learn new behaviours by observing and imitating others. it focuses on four key cognitive functions between a stimulus and a key response
  • first, attention. attention is essentially noticing a behaviour
  • second, retention. its when a behaviour is remembered by the learner
  • third, motor reproduction. this is if the learner is physically able to recreate the behaviour
  • fourth, motivation. the learner must want to recreate the behaviour
  • experiments: the bobo doll experiment
  • what is identification?
    it is that a learner is more likely to copy the behaviour of a model they feel are similar to them
  • vicarious reinforcement is when occurs when learners observe role models receiving either positive or negative reinforcement. This means that because the learner has observed the consequences of the behaviour they are more (or less) likely to imitate it, depending on what those consequences were