Labour unions can negotiate with TNCs on better wages, benefits and job security through collective bargaining agreements
Unions are more powerful in certain industries such as manufacturing and construction
TNCs can either be forced to comply to the demands or be turnedaway
Eg. in the US, educators, publicservice and steelworkers are highly unionised and are represented by influential unions with strongbargainingpower
Labour unions often engage in campaigns to promote corporatesocialresponsibility (CSR) and ethical business practices
TNCs may face pressure from unions or other stakeholders to address issues such as safe working conditions or environmental sustainability
Hence, TNCs may be influenced to adopt these standards to maintain a positive public image, comply with regulations and mitigate risks associated with labour disputes or negativepublicity
Union and TNCs work together to improve interests and resolve labourdisputes
Unions can also indirectly impact TNCs by influencing states to enact strongerpolicies and laws to improve worker’s rights, such as settling minimum wage laws and workplacehealth and safetyregulations
Eg. the UnitedAutoWorkers (UAW) union in the US has collaborated with major automobile manufacturers such as General Motors and Ford to negotiate collective bargainingagreements and resolve labourdisputes