Skin covered with horny epidermis(watertight), lacks a thick dermal layer, protected by scales, scutes, and bones.Shedding.Chromatophores in skin. may have pores in skin thatproducesecretes.
•Respiratorysystem in reptiles: may have lung sacs, lungs- mostly paired, for the first time differentiatedrespiratory pathways, some aquatic species have a modified cloaca to exchange gas
•Excretorysystem in reptiles: paired metanephros (permanent kidney in reptiles, birds, and mammals) . May have a simple bladder.Unable to produce liquid urine (they don´t have the Loop of Henlé – in kidney). Salts are often excreted by nasal and lingualsalt glands.
•Sensorysystem in reptiles: vomeronasal system -Jakobson´s organ- in the mouth of snakes and lizards – „they taste the air“, dominant smell and sight. Most lack external ears and use electricaltuning to „hear“. Third eye – parietal bodyin some lizards.
What are the reproductive characteristics of reptiles?
Sexual or asexual reproduction
Squamates have a pair of hemipenises
Most lay eggs protected by extraembryonic membranes (chorion, amnion, allantois, and shell) also characteristic for birds, mammals – so together they create a group amniota.