Net migration loss between 2000-2009 of 1 million people - 2010-2014 = loss slowed to 190k
Increased migration between Brazil and neighbouring countries e.g. MERCOSUR states (South American trade block) and Andean States (Chile, Peru, Bolivia)
A rise in economic labour migrants for 2014 World Cup and Rio Olympics2016
Increased migration from Haiti after 2010 earthquake and 2012 hurricane
Increased migration from Africa via transit countries like Ecuador
Internal migration from the poor northeast to the metropolitan cities of the southeast e.g. Sao Paulo
During 19th—20th centuries = net recipient of migrants; Europeans and Japanese attracted to work in agriculture + coffee cultivation (Italy,Germany, Portugal, Japan)
In 2000, there was 980k Brazilians living abroad; 2013 - 1.77 million (X2)
Since 2000s, immigration has decreased - 80,000 fewer immigrants living in Brazil than in 2000
Emigrants primarily live in the US (380k), Japan (210k), and Portugal (140k), Spain + Italy (Just over 100k)
Immigrants primarily have come from Portugal (170k), Japan (60k), and Bolivia, Italy and Paraguay (50k)