Bones of the Skull

Cards (18)

  • Name the bone CLASS: flat
    Name the BONE: occipital bone
    Name the SUTURE: lambdoid suture
  • Does this bone have a SINUS?: no
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: external occipital protuberance
    Name the BONY MARKING in WHITE: foramen magnum
    Name the BONY MARKING in PUPLE: occipital condyles
    Name the BONY MARKING IN BLUE: hypoglossal canal
  • Name the bone CLASS: flat
    Name the BONE: parietal bone
    Name the SUTURE between: sagittal suture
  • Name the bone CLASS: flat
    Name the BONE: frontal bone
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: yes
    Name the SUTURE above: coronal suture
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: frontal sinus
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: orbital surface
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: supraorbital margin
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: supraorbital notch/foramen
  • Name the BONE: temporal bone
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: no
    Name the SUTURE above: squamosal suture
    Name the BONY MARKING in WHITE: squamous portion
    Name the SURFACE in WHITE: squama
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: mastoid process
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: external acoustic meatus
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: styloid process
    Name the BONY MARKING in RED: mandibular fossa
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: zygomatic process
  • Name the SURFACE IN BLACK: cerebral surface
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLACK: petrous portion
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: carotid canal
    Name the BONY MARKING in TURQUOISE: jugular foramen
  • Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Name the BONE: sphenoid bone
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: yes
  • Name the BONY MARKING in DARK PINK: lesser wings
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: greater wings
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: optic canal
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: hypophysial fossa of sella turcica
  • Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: pterygoid processes
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: lateral plate
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK ORANGE: median plate
  • Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: optic canal
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: superior orbital fissure
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: inferior orbital fissure
  • Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: yes
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: crista galli
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: cribriform plate
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK ORANGE: olfactory foramina
    Name the BONE: ethmoid bone
  • Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: perpendicular plate
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN (they should be moved up): middle conchae
    What is the internal STRUCTURE of this bone?: ethmoid labyrinth
  • Name the BONE: maxilla
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: yes
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: orbital surface
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: infraorbital foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: anterior nasal spine
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: alveolar process
  • Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: palatal process
  • Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Name the BONE: palatine bone
    Does this bone have a SINUS?: no
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: perpendicular plate
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: horizontal plate
  • Name the BONE in PINK: zygomatic bone
    Name the BONE in PURPLE: nasal bone
    Name the BONE in BLUE: lacrimal bone
    Name the BONE in GREEN: inferior nasal concha
    Name the BONE in ORANGE: vomer bone
  • Name the BONE: mandible
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: alveolar process
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: mandibular foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK ORANGE: mental foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: angle
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK PINK: ramus
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: mandibular notch
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: coronoid process
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: condyloid process
  • Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: frontal fontanel
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: occipital fontanel
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: sphenoid fontanel
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: mastoid fontanel