
Cards (7)

  • Roberts
    "the novel puts a human face to the painful history of Afghanistan."
  • Hower
    "Baba personifies all that is courageous".
  • Amelia Hill
    "The Kite Runner is about the price of peace, both personal and political".
  • Amelia Hill
    "...the personal struggle of ordinary people into [is melded into] the terrible
    historical sweep of a devastated country in a rich and soul-searching
  • Maria Elena Caballero-Robb

    "showcasing the way that the deeds of childhood cast their shadows into
  • James O'Brien
    "It is this muddled, unbalanced and ultimately tragic relationship [Amir and
    Hassan] lies at the heart of The Kite Runner and echoes the betrayals and power shifts that begin to shape the country shortly after the story begins."
  • James O'Brien
    "There are history lessons here; among the deepest of Afghanistan's wounds
    is the fact that its past has been largely obscured by its bloody present."