Other Bones of the Axial Skeleton

Cards (11)

  • Name the BONE: hyoid bone
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
  • Name the BONE (all colors): vertebral column
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: cervical vertebrae
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: thoracic vertebrae
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: lumbar vertebrae
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: sacral vertebrae
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: coccygeal vertebrae
  • Name the VERTEBRAE TYPE: cervical
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: centrum
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: vertebral arch
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: lamina
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: pedicle
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PURPLE: transverse process
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: bifid spinous process
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: vertebral foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: transverse foramina
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT GREEN: superior articular process
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: inferior articular process
  • Name the VERTEBRAE TYPE: thoracic
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: centrum
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: vertebral arch
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK ORANGE: transverse costal facet
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: lamina
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: pedicle
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PURPLE: transverse process
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: spinous process
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: vertebral foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT GREEN: superior articular process
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: inferior articular process
  • Name the VERTEBRAE TYPE: lumbar
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: centrum
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: vertebral arch
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: lamina
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: pedicle
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PURPLE: transverse process
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: spinous process
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: vertebral foramen
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT GREEN: superior articular process
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: inferior articular process
  • Name the BONE on the left: Axis
    Name the BONE on the right: Atlas
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: bifid spinous process
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PINK: odontoid process (dens)
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT PURPLE: transverse foramina
  • Name the BONE: sacrum
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: base
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: superior articular processes
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: median sacral crest
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT BLUE: sacral canal
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: sacral foramina
  • Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT GREEN: auricular surfaces
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: apex
  • Name the BONE: coccyx
    Name the bone CLASS: irregular
  • Name the BONE: sternum
    Name the bone CLASS: flat
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT ORANGE: manubrium
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: jugular notch
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK ORANGE: clavicular articulations
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: body
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: xiphoid process
  • Name the BONE: ribs
    Name the bone CLASS: flat
    Name the BONY MARKING in BLUE: costal cartilage
    Name the BONY MARKING in ORANGE: true ribs (1-7)
    Name the BONY MARKING in PINK: false ribs (8-12)
    Name the BONY MARKING in PURPLE: floating ribs (11-12)
    Name the BONY MARKING in LIGHT GREEN: shaft
    Name the BONY MARKING in GREEN: head
    Name the BONY MARKING in DARK GREEN: tubercle