Humanistic Approach

Cards (15)

  • What are the assumptions of the Humanistic Approach?
    1. Emphasises the free will of the individual
    2. Prefer a holistic approach that considers the whole person
    3. Self actualisation
  • Free Will
    • The view that humans can make their own choices and are not determined by biological factors
    • They have the ability to determine their own development and self actualise
  • Origins of Humanistic Approach
    • 3rd force as it aimed to replace the 2 main approaches- behaviourism and psychodynamic
    • Intended to offer a less deterministic and artificial approach
    • Humanistic theories are concerned with human experiences, meaning and choice
  • Maslow and Hierarchy of Needs
    • Maslow believes humans are motivated by needs beyond those of basic biological survival
    • Humans want to grow and to develop to our full potential (self actualisation)
    • Hierarchy of needs ranges from basic needs to higher level psychological and actualisation needs
    • All 4 have to be met before someone can self actualise
  • What are the stages of self actualisation?
    1. Self Actualisation
    2. Esteem needs
    3. Love and Belonging
    4. Safety needs
    5. Physiological needs
  • Self Actualisation
    • The humanistic approach believes all humans have a desire to achieve self actualise
    • Psychologists regard personal growth as an essential part of being human
    • Personal growth is concerned with developing and changing as a person to become fulfilled and satisfied
  • Conditions of Worth
    • Rogers argues that self actualisation requires positive self regard
    • Conditions of worth is when you put on a limit of how much love you give someone
    • This can lead to feelings of low self esteem and worthlessness which can prevent self actualisation
    • Unconditional positive regard means you put no limit on how much love you give someone
  • Congruence
    • Refers to how close 2 things overlap
    • Self actualisation requires that a persons self image is very similar to their ideal self
    • If the gap is too high then there will be incongruence and this leads to low self esteem
  • Counselling Therapy
    • Roger believed in client centred therapy
    • Clients must discover the solution to their problems in a calm atmosphere
    • The therapy aims to increase congruence between the clients actual image and ideal image
    • This increases self worth and helps them self actualise
  • What are the 3 things a therapist should be?
    1. Be Genuine
    2. Give unconditional positive regard
    3. Have empathy
  • AO3 Humanistic Approach: Not reductionistic
    • Rejects attempts to break up behaviour into smaller components
    • Advocates holism and subjective experiences can only be understood by considering the whole person
    • May have the most validity than alternatives
  • AO3 Humanistic Approach: Lack of scientific evidence
    • Reductionistic approaches tend to be more scientific
    • Humanistic psychology rarely break down concepts and measures them
    • Due to subjective concepts the approach becomes unfalsifiable (untestable)
  • AO3 Humanistic Approach: Free Will
    • Emphasises choice
    • Free Will vs Determinism debate
    • Holds people accountable for their actions
  • AO Humanistic Approach: Positive Approach
    • Optimistic Approach compared to others
    • Promotes a positive image of the human condition
    • Sees people as good and free to work towards the achievement of their full potential
  • AO3 Humanistic Approach: Cultural Bias
    • Many ideas such as freedom autonomy and personal growth are more associated with individualistic cultures
    • Countries with collectivist tendencies emphasise the needs of the group
    • Self actualisation isn't important to some so this approach may not apply universally