humans possess personal agency and exercise free will
humans are inherently good and desire to better themselves and the world around them
primary goal is to attain self-actualisation and to realise ones full potential
humanistic perspective is optimistic and suggests people strive to overcome despair and hardships in order to enhance themselves
key assumptions
humans differ to animals due to their consciousness allowing people to have subjective perceptions and experiences
therefore humanistic psychologists reject animal research because of its inability to be applied to complex human scenarios and perceptions
psychology and free will
most approaches are determinists = they suggest our behaviour is entirely shaped by forces over which we have no control
humanistic psychology is different as is claims that humans are essentially self-determining and have free will
doesn't mean people aren't affected by external/internal influences but we are active agents who have the ability to determine our own development
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
he proposed the hierarchy of needs to understand human drive - basic needs (food, water, shelter) must be met before higher needs (self esteem, belonging)
what is self-actualisation
reaching peak happiness, fulfilment, potential and psychological health
maslows hierarchy of needs
hierarchy of needs (1943) is a model of psychological development
self-actualisation is the top of the hierarchy and includes spirituality, creativity and acceptance in the world
next is esteem including self-esteems and respect from others
then the need for love and belonging from friends, family and a sexual partner
after is safety needs including resources, employment, family and health
finally is physiological (basic needs) includes food, water, shelter
according to maslow, everyone has an innate tendency to achieve their full potential
represents the uppermost level of the hierarchy of needs
all 4 lower levels (deficiency needs) must be met before someone can work towards self-actualisation (a growth need) and fulfil their potential
humanistic psychologists regard personal growth as an essential part of what it is to be human
personal growth is concerned with developing/ changing as a person to be fulfilled, satisfied and goal-oriented
there are important psychological barriers that may prevent a person from reaching their true potential and achieving self-actualisation
the self and congruence
Carl Rogers = for personal growth to be achieved an individual’s concept of self, must be similar to, (have congruence) with, their ideal self (the person they want to be).
too big a gap exists between the two ‘selves’ the person will experience a state of incongruence and self-actualisation will not be possible due to the negative feelings of self-worth that arise from incongruence.
doesnt go gym
sleeps until 1pm everyday
doesnt read but plays playstation
ideal self
goes to the gym 5 days a week and wakes up early
goes to the gym 3-5 days a week
wakes up before 9am everyday
ideal self
goes to the gym 5 days a week
wakes up at 8 am everyday
holistic (not reductionist)
consciousness and emotions are difficult to scientifically study and require subjective approach to understand the human experience
humanism can gain better insight into individuals behaviour through qualitative methods e.g. unstructured interviewers
humanists arguably gain a deeper understanding on the richness of the human experience
humanistic approach rejects reductionists methods of studying human behaviour, focusing on the whole person taking a holistic approach
influence on counselling
contemporary therapists use rogers ideas of unconditional positive regard to help clients work towards self-awareness
this means the humanistic approach is useful in clinical settings and has good world applications to business
humanistic psychology is that it has a major influence on psychological counselling