Cards (3)

  • Influence of Church
    • Church was powerful, owned large areas of land and had a priest in every village, they dominated life
    • People believed everything in the bible especially God caused disease - you would go to hell if you disagreed
    • Church said Galen was right, Doctors were taught this as the Church controlled education
  • Religious Beliefs
    • Church was core part of life, people feared God and power of the Church
    • Bible taught God controlled all aspects of life, good and bad
    • Used God to explain death of animals, bad harvests etc so believing God sent a disease was too obvious
    • People believed disease was a punishment from God
  • Other supernatural ideas
    • Many people in Middle-ages were superstitious - believed in supernaural eg witchcraft, luck, astrology
    • Minority groups such as Jews were blamed for poisoning wells
    • Physicians - alignment of stars and planets affected health and caused disease
    • 14th century astrology key part in medical training