
Cards (45)

  • harvard architecture
    how many memory locations and are what for
    2 memory location
    one for data
    one for instructions
  • how is Harvard Architecture different to Van neuman
    the cache inside a mdoern processor is split into 2 storage locations for data and instruction, therefore accessed using Harvard style system
  • In Harvard Architecture the instructions are kept in Read Only Memory(ROM), why
    instructions are often unchanging, so will be kept in ROM
  • van neuman, how are the instructions fetched
    one at a time and executed serially.
  • von neuman architecture,
    when was it designed
    in the 1940s by john von neuman
  • von neuman, what does it work on
    the architecture works on the stored program concept
  • what are the uses for Harvard Architecture
    Mainly used in digital signal processing applications such as:
    Medical body signal monitoring
  • what does the van neuman use
    one control unit, one arithematic logic unit, five registers and three buses
  • clock speed:
    the higher the clock speed , the more pulses are sent per second, therefore...
    more instruction can be executed at the same amount of time
  • cores, what do they share and what do they have of their own
    each core has their own ALU,CU but share access to cache and main memory
  • factor 1:cores, what can it do
    each core of CPU is able to process instructions independantly
  • factor 2:clock speed,what does it do
    the CPU's clock speed sneds a pulse at fixed intervals to trigger the next stage of FDE(fetch,decode..)cycle
  • factor 3:cache memory, what is it
    small amount of fast memory inside the CPU
  • how many factors are there
  • pipelining
    what is it
    a feature which allows m ore processor operations to take place in less time
  • piplining is split into two pipelines, names
    instruction pipeline
    arithematic pipeline
  • what does piplining ensure
    that processors is in use all at one time
  • what is arithematic pipeline, and how it is performed
    divides up an arithematic operation into its indivisual steps, performed by overlapping each step
  • what is idle processor
    processor typically complete one instruction after the other and move on, meaning that part of the processor are idle(lazy) while the instruction are being completed
  • what is instruction pipeline
    As one instruction leaves the CIR
    pre fetch the next instruction and data and store in register
    ...the next one is ready to be loadeda and decoded
  • what is the drawback of cache memory
    accessing RAM is a slow operation
  • decode
    purpose in the cycle
    the control unit decodes the instruction and sends control signals to the component outside the CPU that needs to act
  • the execute
    the operation indicated by the instruction is performed by the appropriate component
  • the fetch
    how does it work in the cycle
    the PC is incremented(increased)to point to the next instruction that will be needed when the cycle starts again
  • the fetch
    what happens to the instruction stored in location held by the MAR...
    is copied to the MDR
  • the fetch
    what is it
    the address of the nect instruction to be processed is copied from the PC to the MAR
  • Buses, what are they and how many does a van neuman CPU have
    used to send and recieve data and instructions from main memory(RAM).
    van neuman CPU has 3 buses
  • how many types of registers are there
    5 types of register
  • type 1 bus is called data bus, what is it
    retrieves data and instructions from the main memory
  • type 1 of register is accumulator(ACC),what does it do
    holds the result of calculations and operations performed by the ALU
  • type 2 buses is called Address bus, what is it
    sends address to the main memory
  • type 2 of the register is Memory Data Register(MDR), what is it
    Stores data that has been read or data that needs to be written
  • type 3 of buses is called control bus, what is it
    sends control signals to other devices inside the computer system
  • type 3 of register is Current Instruction Register(CIR), what is it
    is used to store the current instruction that the CPU is working on
  • type 4 of the register is Program Counter(PC), what is it
    holds the memory address location of the next instruction to be perfomed by the CPU
  • type 5 of the register is Memory Address Register(MAR), what is it
    holds the location address in memory where data is to be retrieved or stored.
  • What are 3 of the jobs that a CU do
    -Controlling and coordinate the activities of the CPU
    -accepting the next instruction
    -decoding instructions
  • what does arithmatics and logic unit(AIU) do
    performs all the arithematic and logical operaations of the CPU
    example:+- divide, multiply, Boolean...
  • what does the control unit(CU) do
    sends out control signals to toher parts of the CPU
  • what does the CU use to follow in order to execute program instructions
    by following the fetch-decode execute cycle.