FINAL chap 1 and 2

Cards (44)

  • "In other words, learning is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, through experiences."
  • Vicarious experiencesemanate from observing people, especially those that one regards as his or her role models. People choose their own rolemodels. When these models succeed through hard work, this increases one’s belief that he or she too can succeed.
  • Ask help - If you do not understand a particular lesson or topic, seek help from your teacher, classmates, parents or your older brother/sister.
  • Psychologist John Flavell, identifies two components of metacognition:
    1. Metacognition knowledge
    2. Metacognition regulation
  • Metacognition - is simply defined as cognition about cognition or thinking about thinking.
  • SELF-EVALUATION - increases self-awareness that leads to the better understanding of one's own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • The 3 essential components of self-regulated learning?
    Problem Solving
    Self- Evaluation
    Learning has been defined as a permanent change in behavior as a result of experience Learning requires continuity of behavioral change
  • Give the 4 characteristic of learning
    Result of Experience
    Active Process
    "A sound mind in a sound body"
    This famous quotation exemplifies the connection between the physical and mental well-being of a person.
    In order produce well-rounded graduates, education institutions must hone not only the intellectual but also the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual potentials of learners.
    Incidental knowledge, skills, and attitudes are also taught and developed.
    Leaners should not be mere passive receivers of information.
    Learning is not rote memorization.
    The principle of teaching states that the students should be the center of the learning process.
    Students active participation in class activities must be solicited in order for them to fully grasp certain concepts.
    Human action is motivated or inspired by one's aims, goals, or intentions.
    Goals can be short-term or long-term
    Learning occurs because it is planned, desired, or even forced.
    No matter what the case, there is always a purpose why a person seeks more knowledge.
    Research shows that students who set goals tend to be more persistent and are more likely to achieve their goals.
  • Allot time to take a break and eliminate stress - During breaktime, short physical activities can be done such as stretching, listening to music, or drinking coffee
  • Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
    It is a process of taking control of and evaluating one's own learning and behavior.
    It is a self-directed process through which students transform their mental abilities into academic skills.
    It is also a cyclical process in which the student plans for a task, monitors his or her performance, and reflects on the outcome.
    The cycle is then repeated as the student uses his or her reflections to adjust and prepare for the next task.
  • It is also a cyclical process in which the student plans for a task, monitors his or her performance, and reflects on the outcome.
    Self-Regulated Learning
  • Zimmerman (2002) defines Self-regulated Learning (SRL) as the process in which students systematically direct their thoughts, feelings, and actions toward the attainment of their academic goals.
  • Prepare your review materials - Make review notes. Create flashcards. Make mind maps and mnemonic patterns. Read and record important terms and concepts. Play the recordings before sleeping on while on the road
  • 8  Good Study Habits
    Give them
  • PLANNING - increases efficiency, control, and motivation
  • Mastery experiences - to first-hand or direct experiences thata person acquires. When the frequency of success is high, there is greater belief in one’s personal efficacy. Likewise, failures discourage one’s belief in accomplishing a task.
  • In the late 1960s, Dr. Edwin Locke conducted the first every research on goal setting and motivation. In one of his essays, he mentioned that employees are motivated by clear goals and appropriate feedback.
  • In Locke’s goal- setting theory, a goal (or outcome) has two side:
    (1)    the mastery goals where thedesire to gain knowledge andskills are reflected
    (2)  the performance goalswhere the desire to lookcompetent in other people’seyes is manifested.
  • Emotional and physiological statesto the emotional and physiological conditions that a person is in. A person suffering from depression or undergoing stress will likely have a small percentage of success as compared to those inspired and motivated.
  • The operative word in the concept of self-efficacyis “belief”. If a person believes in himself or herself, then half the battle is already won. In fact, some people would even have another word for this – “faith”. If one has faith, then nothing is impossible.
    Task Complexity
  • External:If a person has an external locus of control, he or she believes that events are determined by external forces over which heor she has no control. When these types of people succeed, they attribute their success to chance and luck.
  • New synapses are formed between neurons that were not connected before, thus effectively creating new networks of neurons that, when active, represent a new memory
    Brain Changes
  • New synapses are formed between neurons that were not connected before, thus effectively creating new networks of neurons that, when active, represent a new memory
  • What is the main focus of expectancy theory?
    Expectations that shape a particular situation
  • In order produce well-rounded graduates, education institutions must hone not only the intellectual but also the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual potentials of learners.
  • How do learning and expectancies relate to behavior according to expectancy theory?
    Learning creates cognitions known as expectancies that guide behavior
  • What determines a person's decision to engage in a behavior according to expectancy theory?
    The expectations of what will happen following the behavior and the value placed on the outcome
  • Why do parents dedicate a bulk of their savings for their children's educational plan according to expectancy theory?
    Because they expect that it will secure their children's future and they value education highly
  • What does Julian Rotter suggest about behavior in relation to expectancy theory?
    Behavior is determined by the expectation that a particular behavior will result in consequences
  • What type of reinforcement did B.F. Skinner refer to in relation to behavior?
    Positive reinforcement
  • How does Julian Rotter's view on behavior differ from B.F. Skinner's perspective?
    Rotter emphasizes the expectation of consequences, while Skinner focuses on the consequences themselves
    "A sound mind in a sound body
  • They can make them meaningful only if they understand them well enough and be able to use and apply then in real-life situations.
  • Clarity simply means being clear and not vague. A goal must be specific and the person must set a period for itsattainment and completion.