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Cards (63)

  • What is Adobe Flash Player primarily used for?
  • How is movement created in animation?
    By a series of pictures that create an illusion of movement
  • What are Macromedia Flash movies composed of?
    Graphics, text, animation, and applications for websites
  • What type of graphics do Flash movies primarily consist of?
    Vector graphics
  • What feature allows Flash movies to permit input from viewers?
  • What can web designers create using Flash?
    Navigation controls, animated logos, and complete websites
  • Why do Flash movies use compact vector graphics?
    To download rapidly and scale to the viewer’s screen size
  • What are the features of Flash that allow for object creation and modification?
    • Create objects with drawing and painting tools
    • Modify attributes of existing objects
    • Import vector graphics, bitmap graphics, and video
    • Animate objects to change properties like shape, size, and color
    • Create frame-by-frame and tweened animations
  • What programming language is used to create animations in Flash?
  • How does ActionScript enhance Flash movies?
    By allowing audience interaction through keyboard and mouse
  • What does the combination of Adobe and Macromedia create?
    One of the world’s largest software companies
  • What is Adobe Flash primarily used for?
    Creating digital media content including graphics and animation
  • What is the significance of vector-based style in Flash?
    Objects maintain quality when zoomed, making them zoom independent
  • What does the Flash interface consist of after creating a new document?
    • A blank canvas (Stage)
    • Surrounding panels (Flash workspace)
    • Rulers for measurement
    • Grid for drawing assistance
    • Guides for aligning elements
  • What is the Stage in the Flash interface?
    The big white rectangle where project objects are placed
  • What are panels in the Flash interface used for?
    To provide tools and options surrounding the Stage
  • What do rulers in Flash do?
    Measure width and height of Flash elements
  • What is the purpose of the grid in Flash?
    To assist in drawing with vertical and horizontal lines
  • How do guides help in Flash?
    By aligning text and graphics to interface elements
  • What information is contained in the Properties panel in Flash?
    • Frame speed
    • Stage size
    • Stage color
  • What does frame speed indicate in Flash?
    How many frames per second are displayed
  • How is stage size measured in Flash?

    In pixels, inches, points, centimeters, and millimeters
  • What does stage color represent in Flash?
    The color of the Stage indicated by a small rectangle
  • What is the purpose of snapping in Flash?
    To automatically align graphic elements with one another
  • Why is saving important in Adobe Flash?
    To prevent loss of work if the application is closed
  • What is the default file format for publishing Flash files?
  • What tools are included in the Flash drawing toolbar?
    • Line tool
    • Oval tool
    • Brush tool
    • Eraser tool
  • What does the term "Primitive" refer to in Adobe Flash shapes?

    Shapes whose characteristics can be edited via the Property Inspector
  • How can stroke and fill colors be specified in Flash?
    Using the Stroke Color and Fill Color controls in the Tools panel or Property Inspector
  • What can be modified in the stroke size settings?

    The thickness and style of the stroke
  • What options can be modified for different shapes in Flash?
    • Rectangle: corner ratio
    • Oval: start angle, end angle, end radius
    • Polystar: style, number of sides, star point size
  • What is frame-by-frame animation best suited for?
    Complex animation where an image changes in every frame
  • How does frame-by-frame animation affect file size?
    It increases file size more rapidly than tweened animation
  • What is the purpose of the selection tool in Flash?
    To modify objects by selecting them
  • How can objects be selected in Flash?
    Using the pointer, subselection tool, and lasso tools
  • What is the role of frames in animation?
    To organize and control the content of the document
  • How many frames per second are typically used for smooth animations?
    24 to 30 frames per second
  • What do frames represent on the timeline in Flash?
    • Rectangular boxes
    • Used to organize animation
  • What is the purpose of inserting a frame on the timeline?
    To create a new figure for animation
  • What does the Selection tool in Adobe Flash Professional enable you to do?
    It enables you to select entire objects by clicking or dragging to enclose the object.