Ionising Power & Deflection

Cards (18)

  • The relative ionising effects of nuclear radiation depend upon their:
    • kinetic energy
    • electric charge
  • Ionisation is when an atom becomes negatively or positively charged by gaining or losing electrons
  • Nuclear radiation can ionise the atoms that it hits
    • This is mostly done by removing an electron so the atom loses a negative charge and is left with an overall positive charge
  • When radiation passes close to atoms it can knock out electrons, ionising the atom
    A) radiation
    B) electron
    C) electron
  • The greater the charge of the radiation, the more ionising it is
    • This means alpha radiation is the most ionising as it has a charge of +2
    • A beta particle has a charge of –1 so it is moderately ionising
    • This means gamma radiation is the least ionising as it has a charge of 0 (no charge)
  • The higher the kinetic energy of the radiation, the more ionising it is
    • This means the alpha particle is still the most ionising because it has the greatest mass
    • However, a beta particle is very light (it is an electron) but travels at high speeds, therefore, it has a lot of kinetic energy and is still moderately ionising
    • Gamma radiation has virtually no mass so it is weakly ionising
  • Remembering the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation helps to deduce how much ionising power they have
    • E.g. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus which contains two protons and two neutrons. It therefore has a charge of +2 since each proton has a charge of +1 and a neutron has no charge.
    • Kinetic energy is defined by the equation 1/2mv^2 therefore it depends on the mass m of the particle and its velocity v
  • α-particles, β-particles and γ-radiation are deflected differently in electric and magnetic fields
  • A particle is deflected in an electric field if it has charge
  • A particle is deflected in a magnetic field if it has charge and is moving perpendicular to it
    • Therefore, since gamma (γ) particles have no charge, they are not deflected by either electric or magnetic fields
    • Only alpha (α) and beta (β) particles are deflected
  • Alpha particles have a charge of +2 (the charge of a helium nucleus)
  • Beta particles have a charge of −1 (the charge of an electron)
  • In an electric field created between negatively and positively charged plates
    • Alpha particles are deflected towards the negative plate
    • Beta particles are deflected towards the positive plate
    • Gamma radiation is not deflected and travels straight through between the plates
  • Alpha and Beta particles can be deflected by electric fields
    A) alpha
    B) beta
    C) negative
    D) positive
    E) gamma
  • Alpha particles are heavier than beta particles
    • Therefore, beta particles are deflected more in the electric field
  • Similarly, alpha and beta particles are deflected by magnetic fields whilst they are moving
    • They are deflected in opposite directions due to their opposite charges
  • Alpha and beta particles can also be deflected by magnetic fields
    A) beta
  • It is important to note that because of their opposite charges, alpha and beta particles will deflect in opposite directions.
    • You do not need to know which direction alpha and beta particles are deflected in a magnetic field (this is covered at A-level) but you should know that they are deflected, whilst gamma is not because they are charged and they deflect in opposite directions.