Cards (7)

  • what does adaptation mean?
    a feature or variation that increases survival and reproductive success, this can be behavioural, physiological and anatomical
  • what does it mean to be well adapted?
    • find food or photosynthesise well
    • find enough water
    • gather enough nutrients
    • defend itself from predators or disease
    • survive physical conditions of environment e.g. temperature
    • respond to changes in the environment
  • what is the difference between an innate and a learned behaviour?
    • innate - inherent, born with it in genes
    • learned - acquired by experience or learned from outside environment (observing other animals)
  • what are some behavioural adaptations?
    • survival - freeze response to act dead when they think predators seen them
    • courtship - animals exhibit elaborate courtship behaviours to attract a mate
    • seasonal - migration - moving from one region to another due to favourable environmental conditions, hibernation - period of inactivity, conserving energy, reducing food requirements
  • what are some anatomical adaptations?
    • body covering - hair, scales, feathers, shells, helping fly, stay warm, provide protection, prevent water loss etc
    • camouflage - outer colour blends into environment, making it harder for predators to spot
    • teeth - shape/type related to diet, different in herbivores/carnivores
    • mimicry - copying others appearance or sounds allows animals to fool predators into thinking its poisonous/dangerous
  • what are some psychological adaptations?
    • poison production - many reptiles produce venom to kill their prey, many plants produce poison in their leaves to protect themselves from being eaten
    • antibiotic production - some bacteria produce antibiotics to kill other species of bacteria in the surrounding area
    • water holding - water-holding frog can store water in its body allowing it to survive in the desert without access to water
  • what is the difference between placental and marsupial mammals?
    • placental have a long pregnancy, whereas marsupial have a short pregnancy
    • placental develop a full placenta, whereas marsupial don't
    • placental young are born well developed, then receive milk whereas marsupial mammals are born early, climb into their mothers pouch to receive milk and complete their development