Cards (7)

  • what is the Marxists function of education 

    to reproduce the inequalities of a capitalist society and to justify these inequalities through the myth of meritocracy
  • Marxism views 

    they believe that the main function of education is to socialise children into their class positions.
    this means that making sure the working class don't realise how unfair the system and how the education system reinforces inequalities
    schools prepares working class students for boring and repetitive jobs whilst middle class are encouraged to aspire high levels of education
  • what do Marxists believe about meritocracy
    its a myth
  • Althusser
    he says that education is part of an ideological state apparatus this is when we are controlled by our ideas
    schools spread the bourgeoise ideology and ensure that the proletariat is in a state of false class consciousness which is were students are led to believe that the system is fair
    this means that schools prepare working class students to accept a life of exploitation
  • Bowles and Gintis
    They argue that there is a close correspondence between what goes on at school and what goes on in the world of work
    They believe that the hidden curriculum ensures that there is a hard working obedient and highly motivated workforce
    for example the hidden curriculum encourages acceptance of hierarchy, teachers give orders the students obey
    Bowles and Gintis do not believe schools are meritocratic. They believe class is the most important factor influencing levels of attainment
  • Evaluation of Bowles and Gintis
    They exaggerated correspondence principle between education and the work place
    they have been criticised for ignoring the role of the formal curriculum
    it’s suggested that schools don’t actually prepare students for the modern workplace
  • Marxists believe that the main function is to socialise children into their class positions