atavistic form

Cards (23)

  • Who conducted a biological explanation of offending behaviour in 1876?
  • What was the sample size of Lombroso's analysis of criminals?
    around 400 dead criminals and 4000 living criminals
  • What percentage of criminal acts did Lombroso propose could be accounted for by atavistic features?
  • What term did Lombroso use to describe criminals as genetic throwbacks?
  • According to Lombroso, why would criminals inevitably turn to a life of crime?
    Because of their savage and untamed nature
  • What did Lombroso argue about the nature of criminals?

    That they are born, not made
  • What are some physical features Lombroso associated with criminals?
    Large protruding jaws, low sloping foreheads, high cheekbones, flattened noses, facial asymmetry, dark skin, possible extra toes, nipples, or fingers
  • How did Lombroso categorize murderers based on their physical characteristics?
    Murderers have bloodshot eyes, curly hair, and long ears
  • What physical traits did Lombroso associate with sexual deviants?
    Glinty eyes, swollen and fleshy lips, and projecting ears
  • What did Lombroso link to fraudsters in terms of physical characteristics?
    Thin reedy lips
  • What title has Lombroso been given in the field of criminology?
    The father of modern criminology
  • What shift did Lombroso's work represent in the understanding of criminal behaviour?
    It shifted the focus from moral judgment to genetic and evolutionary processes
  • What contribution did Lombroso make to offender profiling?
    He linked physical features to types of criminal
  • What criticism has been directed at Lombroso's theory regarding race?
    It has been labeled as racist due to its association of certain features with African descent
  • How is Lombroso's description of atavistic form linked to the eugenics movement?
    It suggested that not all people are born equal and that some groups possess desirable traits
  • What was Goring's sample size in his analysis of criminals?
    3,000 criminals and 3,000 non-criminals
  • What did Goring find regarding the physical characteristics of criminals?
    He found no evidence that criminals possess certain facial or cranial characteristics
  • What link did Goring propose between intelligence and criminality?
    A link between low intelligence and criminality
  • Why is Goring's research considered more scientifically trustworthy than Lombroso's?
    Because Goring used a control group
  • What does Kaplan's "self-derogation" theory suggest about individuals with poor interactions?
    They will develop lower self-esteem and increased frustration, making them more likely to commit criminal behaviour
  • What is Kaplan's theory regarding the causes of behaviour?
    • Interactionist approach
    • Interaction between biological aspects of appearance and treatment by others
    • Suggests criminality is caused by both NATURE and NURTURE
  • How does Lombroso's theory differ from Kaplan's interactionist approach?
    Lombroso's theory suggests criminality is purely biological, while Kaplan's approach includes both nature and nurture
  • What is a clear weakness of Lombroso's theory?
    It is not holistic as it does not consider both biological and environmental factors