psycho dynamic explanation

    Cards (18)

    • What is the central idea of the psychodynamic explanation of criminal behavior?
      The idea of an inadequate superego
    • During which stage of development should the superego form?
      During the phallic stage of development
    • What is the consequence of an inadequate superego according to the psychodynamic explanation?
      The id has too much power, leading to inevitable criminal behavior
    • What are the three types of inadequate superego proposed?
      • Weak superego
      • Deviant superego
      • Over harsh superego
    • What happens if the same sex parent is absent during the phallic stage?
      Resolution of the Oedipus or Electra complex is not possible, leading to a weak superego
    • How does a deviant superego influence behavior?
      If the same sex parent is immoral or deviant, it can lead to offending behavior
    • What is the effect of identifying with an over harsh superego?

      It may drive the individual unconsciously towards criminal behavior due to a desire for punishment
    • According to Freud, why are women considered less moral than men?
      Because girls do not experience castration anxiety and are under less pressure to identify with their mothers
    • What do official statistics say about the gender split in the world’s prisons?
      93% male and 7% female
    • Why is it socially sensitive to suggest that children from single parent families are more likely to become criminals?
      It has far-reaching ethical implications and lacks evidence
    • What is the main criticism of the psychodynamic theory regarding scientific credibility?
      It lacks scientific credibility as the concept of the superego is unfalsifiable and immeasurable
    • What did Bowlby propose about infants who cannot form a continuous attachment with their mother?
      They are at risk of developing intellectual, behavioral, and emotional difficulties
    • What is "affectionless psychopathy" according to Bowlby?

      The total inability to feel any emotion for other people, such as guilt or empathy
    • How does affectionless psychopathy affect relationships throughout life?
      It prevents the child from forming normal relationships
    • What were the findings of Bowlby's study on juvenile thieves?
      • 44 juvenile thieves were interviewed
      • 14 were identified as affectionless psychopaths
      • 12 of these had experienced prolonged separation from their mother
      • Only 5 non-psychopath thieves experienced maternal deprivation
      • 2 in a control group of 44 non-thieves experienced maternal deprivation
    • What did Lewis find in his replication of Bowlby's study with 500 teenagers?
      He found no link between maternal deprivation during the critical period and criminality or psychopathy
    • What is a limitation of the validity of Bowlby's interviews with the thieves?
      There was no inter-rater reliability established, and reliance on parents' memories is problematic
    • Why is the fallibility of memory a concern in Bowlby's study?
      Because it affects the accuracy of the information provided by parents