Circadian Rhythms

Cards (20)

  • Circadian rhythms are biological rhythms that last for around 24 hours e.g. sleep-wake cycle, core body temperature
  • Siffre's cavy study investigated the sleep-wake cycle as he spent 6 months in a cave in the Alps deprived of exposure to natural light and sound
  • Siffre resurfaced in mid-september believing it to be mid-august
  • Siffre's free-running circadian rhythms settled to about 25 hours
  • The sleep-wake cycle is governed by the SCN and light
  • The sleep-wake cycle has two dips between 2-4 AM and 1-3 PM
  • In the absence of exogenous zeitgebers the free-running circadian rhythm would last 25 hours
  • Core Body Temperature varies by about 2 degrees every day
  • Core body temperature is lowest at 4AM (36) and highest at 6PM (38)
  • Warmer body temperature increases cognitive performance
  • Folkard investigated the sleep-wake cycle using 12 participants who spent 3 weeks in a cave whilst researchers gradually sped up the clock
  • Folkard found that the majority of participants were unable to comfortably adjust
  • Shift work demonstrates circadian rhythms as night workers have been shown to experience a period of reduced concentration at around 6AM which increases the likelihood of mistakes
  • There has to been shown to be a relationship between shift work and poor health
  • Knuttson found that shift-workers are 3 times more likely to develop heart disease
  • Research into medical treatment supports circadian rhythms e.g. Chronotherapeutics
  • Chronotherapeutics is when medical treatments can be administered in a way that corresponds to someone's biological rhythms
  • An example of chronotherapeutics is that aspirin is more effective for heart attacks when taken late at night
  • There are individual differences in circadian rhythms as cycles can vary from 13-65 hours
  • Jeane Duffy supports individual differences as she found that some paeople are 'larks' or 'owls' due to natural preferences