Population Estimation

Cards (21)

  • What is the purpose of population estimates?
    To analyze trends, measure shifts, allocate public funds, and plan.
  • What are the measures of changes in population size?
    • Natural increase
    • Rate of natural increase
    • Relative increase
    • Absolute increase per year (b)
    • Annual rate of growth (r)
  • How is natural increase defined?
    Natural increase is the number of births minus the number of deaths.
  • How is the rate of natural increase calculated?
    It is calculated as crude birth rate (CBR) minus crude death rate (CDR).
  • What should you check when calculating the rate of natural increase?
    Ensure that both the crude birth rate and crude death rate are in the same factor.
  • If the crude birth rate is 48 per 1000 population and the crude death rate is 2 per 1000 population, what is the rate of natural increase?
    46 per 1000 population.
  • How do you adjust the rates if they are in different factors?
    Convert the larger factor to the smaller one before calculating.
  • What is relative increase?
    It is the actual difference between two census counts expressed as a percentage of the prior census population size.
  • How is relative increase calculated?
    Relative Increase = \(\frac{(P_t - P_0)}{P_0} \times 100\)
  • What does \(P_0\) represent in the relative increase formula?
    It represents the population size at the initial time.
  • What does \(P_t\) represent in the relative increase formula?
    It represents the population size at time \(t\).
  • What is the absolute increase per year (b)?
    It measures the average number of people added to the population per year.
  • How is absolute increase per year calculated?
    Absolute Increase = \(\frac{(P_t - P_0)}{t}\)
  • Given the population sizes of 92,337,852 in 2010 and 98,393,574 in 2013, what is the relative increase?
    1. 56% increase from 2010 to 2013.
  • How do you calculate the time elapsed (t) between two dates for absolute increase?
    Calculate the difference in years, months, and days, then convert to years.
  • What is the formula for calculating the annual rate of growth (r)?
    It is calculated using census data to quantify the change in population size.
  • What are the methods of estimation for population changes?
    • Component Method: \(P_t = P_0 + (B - D) + (I - O)\)
    • Arithmetic Method: Assumes equal change every year
    • Geometric Method: Assumes constant rate of change
    • Exponential Method: Assumes continuous population growth
  • What is the formula for estimating the rate of change (r) using the exponential method?

    r = \(\frac{\ln(P_t / P_0)}{t} \times 100\)
  • How do you estimate future population (P_t) using the exponential method?

    P_t = \(P_0 e^{rt}\)
  • How do you estimate past population (P_0) using the exponential method?

    P_0 = \(\frac{P_t}{e^{rt}}\)
  • What is the formula for estimating the amount of time (t) using the exponential method?

    t = \(\frac{\ln(P_t / P_0)}{r}\)