3.3.3 Economies and Diseconomies of Scale

Cards (13)

  • Types of Economies of Scale

    Marketing - the more people see an advert, the lower the cost per view
    Purchasing - the more units bought, the lower the cost per unit
    Managerial - the more specialised the staff, the lower the costs
    Risk - The more products, the less risk of the firm failing
    Financial - the higher the value of a loan, the lower the interest
    Technical - the better the equipment, the more can be produced, the lower the costs
  • Economies of Scope
    Cost efficiency is achieved by producing a range of products
  • Diseconomies of Scale
    As output rises average costs begin to rise
  • ABC of Diseconomies
    • Alienation
    • Bureaucracy
    • Communication
  • Alienation
    Working in a highly specialised role can be boring and unfulfilling so workers become demotivated and less productive causing output and quality to fall whilst costs remain the same
  • Communication
    As a firm expands particularly if it merges with another firm communication takes longer and is less effective as expectations and practices become less clear
  • Bureaucracy
    As firms grow there are more layers of management and more complex procedures they must follow so the firm becomes less flexible to changes in the market which jeopardises survival
  • External Economies of Scales

    When growth in an industry results in lower long-run average costs
  • Causes of External Economies of Scale
    • Cluster effect
    • Skilled labour
    • Transport links
    • Supportive legislation
  • Skilled Labour

    Firms located in a particular region e.g. Silicon Valley encourage skilled labour to seek work there thus reducing recruiting and training costs
  • Cluster Effect

    Firms located in a similar area can connect with more suppliers and attract more suppliers to the area thus reducing shipping costs
  • Transport Links

    Improved transport links reduce geographical immobility, lower shipping costs and make it easier for firms to expand
  • Supportive Legislation
    As an industry grows and gains regional importance it may gain greater political bargaining power so may receive tax cuts and subsidies