3.4.7 Contestability

Cards (4)

  • Characteristics of a Contestable Market

    -Low sunk costs
    -Perfect knowledge
    -Vulnerable to new firms entering the market
    -Low price-setting power, low prices and low profits
  • Benefits of Contestable Markets
    -Lower prices increase the consumer surplus
    -Can have allocative efficiency
    -Incentivised to cut costs so are likely x-efficient
    -More responsive to consumer preferences so more choice
  • Factors Determining Contestability
    -Levels of sunk costs required to enter an industry
    -Levels of advertising and brand loyalty
    -Vertical integration as firms can restrict the supply chain
    -Access to tech and skilled labour
  • Methods to Increase Contestability
    -Remove legal barriers to entry
    -Improve information sharing
    -Penalise predatory pricing
    -Improve access to finance
    -Remove patents