This is the use of government expenditure, taxation and borrowing to influence behaviour of economic agents and the level of economic activity within an economy.
The objective of fiscal policy:
1. To promote economic stability 2. To reduce marketfailure 3. To enhance socialcohesion
The main ways government expenditure is used:
1. Provide publicservices such as defence 2. To correct marketfailures 3. Achieve redistributional objectives through transferpayments & benefits in kind 4. Nudge consumer behaviour 5. For political reasons
Direct taxation:
Taxation imposed on people's income or wealth, and on firms' profits.
Indirect taxation:
A tax imposed upon expenditure. A tax placed upon the sellingprice of a product, so it raises the firm's costs and shift the supply curve for the product vertically upwards by the amount of the tax. Excise duties are often levied on demerit goods.
The purpose of taxation:
1. To create incentives to work 2. To influence the pattern of demand 3. To stimulate business investment 4. For redistributional & macroeconomic objectives effects
Progressive taxation:
The tax as a percentage of incomeincreases as income increases. Direct taxes are normally progressive e.g. income tax
Regressive taxation:
The tax as a percentage of incomedecreases as income increases. Indirect taxes are often regressive e.g. VAT
Proportional taxation:
The tax as a percentage of income remains constant as income increases; also called a flat tax
Crowding out:
Government spending crowds out private sector investment by increasing the rate of interest, which increases the cost of borrowing for private firms, leading to a fall in private sector investment.
Automatic stabilisers:
Changes in taxrevenue and state spending arising automatically as the economy moves through different stages of the economic cycle.
The Laffer curve:
Illustrates the relationship between tax revenue and taxation rates and the optimal rate of tax. Shaped like an upside down U
Average tax rates:
Tax paid divided by taxable household income.
Marginal tax rates:
Change in tax paid divided by change in taxable income.
The effectiveness of using fiscal policy to achieve the government's macroeconomic objectives depends on:
1. The fiscalpolicy measures being used 2. Unintended consequences 3. The size of the mulitplier 4. Business and consumer confidence 5. Crowding out versus crowding in 6. The cost of borrowing 7. The economicschool of thought you follow e.g. neoclassical economists 8. How the fiscal stimulus is managed 9. The credibility of the government
Define automatic stabilisers
Mechanisms that reduces the impact of changes in the economy on national income.
When government borrowing discourages private sector investment or when government provision of a good or service prevents it being provided by the private sector.